Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm going crazy

It's true. I am not the kind of girl cut out for doing nothing but laying in bed all day for five days. I stepped outside today for the first time. It felt nice, until I the good feeling was gone after .5 seconds and I felt like I was going to pass out. I learned a trick. As long as I don't move or breathe at all, I don't feel that bad. It's been driving me crazy not being able to get anything done. I needed something simple and mindless. So I've been laying in bed looking at shoes for the wedding. The only thing is I can't decide whether to go with white or colored?! help.
this is the only one of my pictures that worked, so it'll have to do.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Slightly inappropriate.

The funny thing about being someone who never watches tv, is not seeing the ridiculous commercials out there. If you didn't read the last post, I have done nothing but lay on the couch or in bed for the last 4 days. Quick update: my temperature is currently 101.6
I still can't stand without feel like I'm gonna pass out
I can't breathe
I HAVE lost 4 pounds. woot.
Yesterday I slept more hours then I was awake. 16 hours to be exact.
I could go more in depth, but it's just not so exciting. 

Anyway, yesterday I blogged about a ridiculous show on TV. Today, again, while watching mystery diagnosis (I'm a medical person) the show came on about women who marry men IN jail. Okay, that's just all kinds of crazy. Today isn't about tv though, it's about the commercials. I can't remember the last time I've watched tv, but in the last four days, I've caught up on a lifetime. Have you noticed how ridiculous commercials are? Don't believe me?
I couldn't even watch it again because it just totally grossed me out. Oh, and by the way, did you know the slogan for Charmin toilet paper is "enjoy the go?" Someone should really put me in marketing. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sick of being sick

 This is what I look like. Aside for the being Asian part. And maybe the bathrobe. I don't own a bathrobe. And by the looks of it, she's tougher than me.
Maybe this is more accurate. Only I have more meds by the bedside tables. Oh, and I don't own slippers either. And I don't even like orange juice. Okay, I give up.

I've been sick for about 2 weeks. I had a virus for about the first week and a half. Well, the virus turned bacterial and turned into a sinus infection and spread to my lungs. I don't know if that automatically means pneumonia. Either way, it stinks. For the last either days I'm either sweating up a storm or wearing thick sweatpants, thick sweatshirt, two thick blankets, and a heating pad in a 75 degree house and still shivering! Symptoms also include a whole bunch of nastiness like coughing up a lung every hour (which is odd since I only have two lungs), insane headaches, dizziness, and whole bunch of other nasties. I feel like there's holes in my lungs and I can't get enough air and that someone is sitting on my chest. A very large person. Last night I slept 13 straight hours! Holy Macaroni! Plus the day included like 8 hours of naps. The cough suppressant I'm on causes a lot of drowsiness. Since I have a doctor's note telling me note to go to school or work for the next few days, I've been able to do lots of fun things.

For example, yesterday I watched the whole season (until current) of the bachelor. Can I just say Michelle is crazy and I might have squealed when she was not given a rose. Sorry dear, but you are not nice, at least what you showed on the show. I think the whole concept is crazy! Wouldn't it be emotionally exhausting to date like 20 girls at a time and eliminate them by which one is worse? The thing I think is most weird, is that all the girls fall in love with him. How? How is he automatically "right" for all of them and only one is "right" for him. "Reality" tv is just crazy. "Have I used too many "" yet?"

Wait, wait. This is even better. Today I was laying on the couch minding my own business watching Mystery Diagnosis. The next show came on. I hope you're sitting down. It's about this girl who met this guy right before he got arrested and went to jail because he was involved in a random gang act of violence. She described him as a "ghetto angel". He said killing the two people (17 year olds) was an accident. Are you sure? Because you pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger. They got married behind bars after also "dating" behind bars for 3 years. Say WHHHAAAAT! So then she goes to her church asking the preacher guy what she should do because she feels like her marriage is on the rocks. Imagine that. And the preacher tells her she's being unsure and insecure and that's unattractive and ugly. Know what's unattractive and ugly? I guy who randomly shoots two teenagers. Just sayin. Anyone agree. Oh, and then she gets pregnant by another guy and her husband gets really mad. Of course, I am really against cheating, but how can you blame your wife when you're in jail for decades because you killed two people? Then he invites women to see him in jail. Then she is mad. And the whole show is if their marriage can make it.....what in the WORLD is this world coming to?! FYI, she's still at home with her [insert curse word] child and he's still in jail. And yep, they're still married.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've been awake for a total of 3 hours (after a 13 hour sleep) and it's time for another nap.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good news is my favorite kind.

I got some very very good news today. My grandpa is a pilot. Him and my step grandma love to travel. They're retired, it's part of the territory. So they have a few timeshares to save on hotels. It's pretty much impossible to use all of the time in a year. Well, they have some Hawaii. You guessed it. My grandparents are letting us use their timeshare in Hawaii for a week for our honeymoon!! We couldn't be more excited! All we have to do is pay the taxes and booking fee! Since my plane ticket is free, we only have to pay for Clint's, and hopefully we'll get that discounted too! We're going to have a week in Hawaii for the price of a weekend in California! AH! I love it! Looking at these pictures made me even more excited! I wish tomorrow was May 22nd!

Have you been to Hawaii? Any tips for us on where to go and what to see? 

Monday, February 21, 2011

The did list

I had a super productive day today. Instead of thinking of the to-do list I still have (which is literally a mile long. I measured it.) I rather think about the did list. 

1) slept in. I'm sick, so a full night's sleep was MUCH needed.
2) Scrubbed my bathroom
3) cleaned my room, which mostly just included hanging up a boat load of clothes. I hate hanging up clothes. hate. it. 
4) finished tube feeding calculations
5) read all about vitamin E and finished my assignment on it
6) studied for biochem test Thursday
7) bought tape recorder for biochem so I can listen to it a literal billion times every day. (okay, so literally might not be totally literal.)
7.5) snuggled my niece and read her a story about a sad teddy bear without a Halloween costume. 
8) drove stinkin 45 minutes to pick up my replacement phone from FedEx. This is my 3rd phone in 6 months. I hate LG! Life's not so good anymore pal. 
9) went to Verizon to get the new phone activated
10) ate way too many pretzel M&Ms
11) looked for wedding shoes. no such luck
11.5) sat down with my parents to approximate the cost of everything for the wedding
12) got my hair cut
13) took my sister dinner to work
14) checked out 12 west for a reception venue
picked up Clint a "job well done" snickers. He just got out of a five hour test. My professors might disagree, but I totally believe in the occasional food rewards. 
15) refilled my perscriptions
16) calculated a training diet for a 22 year old female runner. Most difficult puzzle of. my. life!
and last but not least,
17) posted this video to Clint's facebook wall.
oh, and some other stuff too. What did you do today?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Charity Never Faileth

I love church. 
It's like a breath of fresh air every week. 
I know two weeks ago I talked on the "This is Sunday" post about something similar.
Well, here I am talking about it again. 
Because it's THAT good. I really like to try and include what I learn from church on my Sunday blogs. I think we all have so much we can learn from each other. 
You guessed it. We talked about charity. Charity isn't just helping the old lady across the street or helping a homeless person around the holidays. It should show in everything we do. Charity is about being forgiving, being tolerant of others, it is resisting the impulse to be offended, it is being there for someone, it is looking for the good in others, and most of all, it is treating others with the pure love of Christ. I was looking for some quotes from the talk to post, but I ended up wanting to post the entire talk! I don't think anyone is perfect in this. The teacher for the lesson today began by telling a story about a woman who always looked at her neighbors wash hanging outside. She criticized that she didn't know how to clean and that her wash was so dirty! One day, she looked out the window to see her neighbors wash clean. "She finally got it right!" Her husband kindly informed her that he had gotten up early to wash the windows that morning. It was not the clothes that were dirty, but rather her windows.
 Want to know what I think a huge portion of the problem is? I think we (yes, I'm definitely included in that) are much more patient with ourselves than we are with others. We make excuses for why we act the way we do. After all, we had a good reason to be rude. We were tired, hungry, got fired, whatever reasons we have. On the other hand, when someone else is rude to us, we assume it is the core of who they are. Maybe we need to make less excuses for ourselves and be more understanding of others. Elder Packer gave a talk about something similar to this. He used the example of getting so mad when someone cuts us off in traffic that it's as if they had insulted everyone in your family line. 
I think a lot of the time pride gets in the way of us being kind to others. I'll be honest. There are times when I have thought (mostly in my younger days) "oh, I don't want to be nice to her. Then she'll be all clingy and want to spend everyday with me and yadda yadda yadda." Really? That's so selfish to let my wants get in the way of making someones day. A friend can change a life. How many lives could we touch if we were just willing? Pride makes you stagnant. There's no progression. When you are humble, you are open to change and wanting to improve. 
No matter the circumstance, Christ knows what we're going through. We suffered for our pains and afflictions. The atonement allows us to become better. More than that, we are never alone. 
"You cannot bear all things now. Nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along."
D&C 78:18
(p.s. sorry if that's not an exact quote, I'm going off of memory)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hello there.

We have been engaged now for ten days. ten days.
Are you sure that's it?
I can't remember a time when we weren't engaged. It feels like we've been engaged for FOREVER! I originally didn't like that our engagement was so short and that we had so little time to plan, but now I wish it was way shorter! From today, we have 12 weeks. 12 weeks!
You know you want them, here are some updates.
I bought my dress!!! It looks sort of similar to the one in the picture! I couldn't show you the actual picture. I have to leave SOME surprises. The neckline and bodice of the dress is very similar but it rouches around the waist and then has some ruffles and a princess shape to it. I am absolutely in LOVE with it. I look at the picture I took of it every day....multiple times. It's sort of a mircale I found such an amazing dress. With such a time limit, I didn't have much time to order one or look around much. I wish I could wear it every day. I'm currently brainstorming more places to wear it. Hit me up if you've got some ideas.

For the venue, we are stuck! We found two places at two amazing prices! Both under $900! I know, I couldn't believe it either. We could not find another place under like $3800, which is so not cool. We're trying to decide between the Trailhead in Las Sendas:

 Or 12 West Main. I can't get any photos off their site, so you'll have to click on the link. 12 West is slightly cheaper, but not by a whole lot.

Both are incredibly beautiful! It's a dream come true! My colors are green, yellow, and gray. The shades are hard to explain. For food at the reception we're thinking of doing some different salads. A house salad, pasta salad, fruit salad, and some rolls. I'm loving this whole planning thing! This is so me! I love planning events and being creative! Figuring out how to work the money and everything that goes into it so it all works together. Maybe I should be a wedding planner, but probably not.

Last night me and Clint worked an event in Scottsdale for our hot date. We know how to party right? After we went to this awesome Sub place called Silver Mine Subs. Anyone ever been there? AMAZING! We both got a huge sandwich (turkey, bacon, ranch, lettuce, provolone, tomatoe, avacado on freash wheat bread- mine was minus the ranch and bacon, cute out some fat), a side, and a drink for $8.30! We have a coupon for buy one get one. Those entertainment books are awesome. I would HIGHLY reccomend buying one. You can order one online here. Oh, and lucky you. I just looked and they're on SALE! They also sell them at Walgreens. Do it. Now. Going out will literally cost half as much.

After work and dinner, me and Clint went to Walmart. Sometimes I forget we're not married. Oh wait, we do still need to buy two tubes of toothpaste. He just moved into a new place with a fairly newly wed couple, just until we get MARRIED in 3 months! They bought a foreclosed house so we had to go buy towels, shower curtains, all that stuff he needed for his room and his bathroom. I home just after 10:30. We're gonna be so good at being 80.

My nephew is almost here!! This will be my first nephew and I couldn't be more excited! I am already so in love with him, although I cant see how I'll love him more than my niece. I believe her due date is Monday and if she hasn't delivered within a week, they'll induce her. So for sure in about a week we'll have a new baby to the family! Being an aunt is the best. Really, you should all try it.

I think I might have had one of those moments where I realize what I want to do. Do you know what those are called? I can't remember. So I swore I would never work in a hospital as a dietician. I wanted to do private consulting, maybe work with WIC, referrals from doctors. I still would love to do that, only now I'm not totally opposed to working in a hospital. Yes, they get paid less, but what I'm learning right now is awesome! We're learning to calculate tube feedings! Isn't that so cool?!?! [you don't have to answer] Nutrition can REALLY make a difference in a burn patient, for example. They have lots of fluid and protein needs. I think it's super cool, personally.

There you have it, my not so exciting update! Exciting updates take pictures, which take more time, and are not as easily done at work. You're gonna have to wait. :)

"Never have an ordinary day. Always be on top of the world!"
Elder L Tom Perry

Thursday, February 17, 2011


My life is really needing some miracles right now. If the following things happen, I'll know miracles exist.

1) I will pass biochemistry. My current plan is to buy a tape recorer and play back his lectures a billion times until I have them memorized. I also have a one on one review session with my professor Monday. Maybe if I fill out my bubble sheet with tears I'll get sympathy points.
2) People will like [tolerate] my wedding ideas. I had no idea people would have so many opinions on my wedding. I figured they'd know it's what I wanted and be supportive. Everyone wants polar opposites. It's impossible to please everyone. If I could get a positive comment or SOMETHING, that would be awesome.
3) I will get over this massive head cold without having to miss any more work or school! Seriously, this is getting old. I can't even sleep because I can't breathe!
4) May 22nd will roll around and Clint and I will be married with no injuries to ourselves or loved ones. There's a lot of junk to do until then. Gotta keep my eye on the prize (Clint)!!
5) My best friend Brittany and I will magically get free tickets to the backstreet boys concert this summer. So sue me, we have really great taste in music. There would be lots of fun to be had.
6) I won't lose or gain any weight before the wedding. I know, I'm probably the first girl in history who hasn't wanted to lose weight for their wedding. BUT, my dress fits like it was made for me! I rather save the $150 on alterations.

Oh, and to share some lovelies, miracles DO exist.

1) Uh, I found a dress! Since we're on such a time crunch we didn't have time to order one. The one I fell in love with was off the maniquin! Size 4, only one they had or have had! It fit perfect!!
2) We found a venue, this late in the game, for an AMAZING price. Seriously, it was like a 4th the cost of all the other 4 and 5K ones around the valley! re-donk-u-lous! Oh, and it's going to cost less then it would to decorate the church buildings, which were also already booked!
3) We found a GREAT photographer. Again, for a fraction of the cost of others!  
4) Clint still loves me! We've been really good at communicating and figuring out what we want! Lucky for me, Clint supports 99% of my plans! But he will tell me if he hates it or has an idea :)

Now, back to biochem. Wish me luck.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It must be love

People say that Valentine's day is dumb because you should express your love everday. Agreed. However, I'm in support of this lovely holiday. We need reminders. We need reminders to be more Christ like (Christmas), reminders to appreciate our parents (Mother's and Father's day), reminders to appreciate our country (4th of July) and reminders to have goals (new years). I think Valentine's day is awesome!

In celebration, here are fourteen reasons why I am absolutely in love with my Valentine.

1) His good looks. This isn't really the number one reason, although it is obvious. When we had first started dating, he asked how he got so lucky and how I chose him over all the other guys pursuing me. I told him I chose him because he was the best looking one. I was totally kidding. No I wasn't. Yes I was. Nope....

2) He is attentive to my needs. He's always so sweet and takes care of me when I'm tired, sleepy, or just plain grumpy. He always makes me feel so much better.

3) He is so smart. Mechanical Engineering? Holla!

4) He has a testimony of the Gospel. He is a follower of Christ and it shows in everything he does.

5) He always tries to assume the best about people

6) He gets my sense of humor. We laugh constantly together.

7) He listens to me. He's so sweet when I'm sad. I mentioned to him once that I've always wanted to go to As You Wish and never have. He took me for Valentines day! I almost cried when he told me where we were going! I don't know if you understand how badly I have wanted to go!

8) He's logical. I'm the creative one, he is the logical one. We fit perfect.

9) He loves kids and will make such an excellent father.

10) He's patient and really has a love for those he comes in contact with.

11) He's so focused and diligent. With everything. You know he will follow through on what he tells you. He always has the end in sight.

12) He is so genuine. I know when he tells me something that he means it.

13) He always tells me I'm beautiful. And other compliments too. That's important to me. I need verbal validation. A small compliment can make my whole day.

14) I wish Valentine's was on the 28th so I could list more reasons. I love how committed he is to me. I know he is willing to sacrifice for my well-being. He has a loyalty that is incomparable. I know we will be together forever.

Basically, I love Clint and I can't wait to be his wife.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hello everyone! Just a heads up, my friend Lisa is having a giveaway I am sponsoring! Enter it here.

Cheese warning.

I had a dream last night. A really scary, real feeling dream. You know, the kind where it takes you a few minutes to assess your health status after you wake up. Clint and I were trying to walk to our apartment. We could see it, but had some dark alleys working against us on the way there. He grabs my hand and we start to walk quickly, but not too quickly. We don't want to draw attention. The scary people keep coming up to us and putting their face into Clint's. Saying intimidating things. The key is not to make eye contact. They're really scary. Like the bad guys on home alone, only a bagillion times worse. (by the way, a bagillion is a lot).The whole time we're walking, we exchange these words over and over.

Clint: We'll be together
Me:  forever
Clint: no matter what

In my dream I remember thinking that it would be okay if one of us died right then, because we would be together, forever, no matter what. About an hour after I had woken up, I started to think about what the dream meant. After May 21st, we will be sealed for time and all eternity! Together. Forever. No matter what. I made the whole drive to work teary eyed. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have found such a wonderful guy to spend forever with. Any hey, he's even okay to put up with me . If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. People are giving me advice to enjoy the time being engaged. It's definately an exciting time and I hope to soak it up in all its lovliness. But I'm not gonna lie, I wish tomorrow was May 21st. That's the day we can officially say we'll be together forever. By the way, I would prefer my future husband alive, as long as possible.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The video!

My debut on youtube! Makes me tear up every time :)

The perfect proposal.

Here's the long version.
It was Clint's birthday and I had planned this fabulous day, of which I will blog about later. I took him to lunch at Joe's Real BBQ. If you haven't been there, you probably should. Especially if it's your birthday. They give you a $10 credit! After getting stuffed, he said we needed to go to Tempe Town Lake because his brother gave a friend a gift card for him that he needed to give to Clint right then his friend was going to be doing sketches there tonight... Wait, what? A slightly unlikely story, eh? I was smelling some fish at this point. So, Clint is acting very suspicious at this point. Really nervous, a tad bit shaky. So we get the gift card from his friend and then start to walk away. The guy came back and asked us if he could draw a picture of us for his art class that night. Don't tell Clint this, but I knew exactly what was happening at this point. So this guy is making a sketch of us, turns around to show us the picture, and it's of Clint on his knee giving me some sparkly ring candy. Even though I knew what was happening, It was still so surprising to actually see him on his knee with the blessed ring that I had been having separation anxiety with for weeks.  Clint had been meeting with the artist ahead of time, and he had the picture all done ahead of time. It's so special. Now we have the pictures and the video to save forever.  Oh, and random! One of our friends was walking around Tempe Town Lake at the time. The were awesome and took some pictures for us. 

I can't upload the video. But you can go to facebook and search JPro studios. The video is right there on their wall. It's BOMB. 
 I also learned two lessons that day. (1) If your boyfriend tells you you should do your nails, listen! The next day may be filled with a special surprise.

And (2) don't get impatient and put your jeans in the dryer. They will shrink up. Blast!

It was absolutely perfect. I'm so proud of him for coming up with something so special and creative for me. I love him so much. I feel like I couldn't find a better guy for me if I waited a billion years. I love our relationship and can't wait to start eternity with the man of my dreams!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The question has been popped!

Yup! It happened! Clint proposed! We will be getting married!!Hopefully sooner, rather than later. If you aren't a follower already, you should definately change that. The next few months are going to be full of stellar wedding planning, maybe a bridezilla moment or two, and of course, our love story. I will update this soon with the complete proposal story. Until then, enjoy staring at my ring, I know I will.

The Future Mrs. Solomon <3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do you ever...

Have one of those ultra frustrating days?

This one really made me laugh out loud:

Where nothing. works. out.
the milk spills
there's no parking space
no groceries in the fridge
no time to grocery shop
no time to even grab a lunch
oh, no laundry either
or time to do laundry, of course
hafta wear the fat jeans
maybe you fail a biochemistry test or two
wake up with a zit the elevation of Everest
maybe one of your vertebra get out of place and you can feel it poking through the skin
forgot a pencil
a pencil? fa reals?
oops, you studied every single nutrient biochemical pathway and there's zero on the exam
possibly get some unwarranted critisism
forgot your sweater
forgot how uncomfortable that pair of shoes is
got a headache from lack of comida
have a to-do list the length of a motor home
have a deficit with the ratio of time have, and time needed
plan something really special and have it not work out
The blender top wasn't, in fact, secured
Sasquatch punched you in the kidney
The wolf huffed and puffed and actually did blow your house down
There is a monster in your closet

All of the previous events may not have happened today, but it's impossible to tell for sure.

yep. I'm there. Know that feeling after surfing (or trying to, in my case) when you feel like you just got beat up by an angry gang of hippos? Cuz you keep getting knocked down in your attempt to succeed? yep. I'm there. In reality, the problem probably is much more internal, than external. That, however, doesn't stop it from being real to you. We make the choice whether to be happy or grumpy. Today, I think I'll take grumpy. I'm allowed one of those every once in awhile. Oh, I'm not? I'll huff and puff and blow your house down. Sasquatch is also a good friend of mine. 

Don't confuse this for optimism or any sign of happiness, but I'm REALLY excited for tomorrow! It's Clintopolis' birthday and I have something special planned for him! I took the day off work so we could spend the evening together. I'm REALLY happy he was born.

Still laughing about the Beaver picture? Me too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This is Sunday.

Most exciting things first.
I had my first Dr. Pepper. That's right, I met my goal. It took a month to lose 5 pounds. Who is excited for me? Excitement wise, the rest of the post is downhill from here.

Clint's birthday is Wednesday! We had a mini party with my family for him today.
 I don't move random trash out of pictures. I'm classy like that.
twenty-two. get it? :)
 "come chase me!" My niece is the absolute cutest little girl on the whole entire planet.
"Your bum is too big!" It was so cute to watch them play.
Just a day at the spa for the old dog. "Okay Lilly I'm gonna hide the dog now so you can find him." " he needs to take a rest." She's so funny with organizing things. She's only three! I am so in love with her! I just wish I could spend all day every day [pretty much] with her. She's so much fun. And so funny. Kids are a ray of sunshine.

In other news, we had a fabulous lesson on pride in relief society today. It was applied to pride when being critical of others. The teacher shared this beautiful quote about a woman's experience with a special man who suffered from extreme deformities:

As she looked at her friend’s flowers, she noticed a beautiful golden chrysanthemum but was puzzled that it was growing in a dented, old, rusty bucket. Her friend explained, “I ran short of pots, and knowing how beautiful this one would be, I thought it wouldn’t mind starting in this old pail. It’s just for a little while, until I can put it out in the garden.”
Mary smiled as she imagined just such a scene in heaven. “Here’s an especially beautiful one,” God might have said when He came to the soul of the little old man. “He won’t mind starting in this small, misshapen body.” But that was long ago, and in God’s garden how tall this lovely soul must stand! 3
Isn't that just fabulous? I love it. It was given by president Thomas S Monson in the latest general conference. I'm trying to attach the link but it's not working. If you go to click on latest general conference. scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Charity never faileth"
I love Sundays :) more pictures will come soon from the rest of the weekend. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The most interesting woman in the world.

[Picture from Halloween with muh BFF Brittany! We were pilots, duh.  So leh-git. ]

That's a joke.
Unless of course you only know about five people.
In which case, I may be the most interesting person in your world.
Aren't those commercials hilarious?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, it would definately be in your best interest to click here.
It's not the funniest one out there, but still good.
Ready for some interesting facts?

(1) I used to think horse back riding meant riding the horse backwards. I thought it was weird I had never seen it before. But in my defense, do they really have to clarify you're riding on the back? Seems unnecissary to me.
(2) I once cheated on a spelling test in first grade. The word was crayon, and my crayon box was on my desk. I spelt "crayola". Lesson learned. 
(3) I have never been so tempted to cheat in my life as I was in my biochem test last week. I remembered my experience above with cheating, and decided it wouldn't be a good idea. Plus, I'm pretty sure everyone else in there was just as clueless. Oh, and that part about honesty too. (joke)
(4) My life could never possibly contain enough polka dots.
(5) I once fell during a dance concert in high school. It was on the word "humiliation" in "Let the drummer kick" by Citizen Cope.Yep, planned that [by the way, you should click on the link and listen to the song. it's really cool] . I also once had a skirt slip off in a different dance and was left in a leotard. The skirt was see-through anyway. Who needs it?
(6) I still remember almost every move to the pep assembally dance my Freshman year of high school. "Let's get it started"- Black eyed peas.
(7) I still have an intense love for backstreet boys. After I listen to it, I picture my life as a 90s music video. It's really entertaining. Please don't make fun of me. Or do. I don't really care.  
(7) yes, I realize there are two #7s. I thought of another one. Lance Bass was my first and only celebrity crush. We all know how that one turned out. I still feel betrayed.
(8) I've been self concious about my size (legs specifically) for as long as I can remember. literally. I remember my best friend in 2nd grade telling me what she weighed. I was really embarrassed because I was like 15 pounds more. I didn't realize that I was also about a foot taller.
(9) I don't know if I have ever in my life read [or even referenced] directions on anything electronic. I hate directions. I prefer to figure it out myself.
(10) I've always been a happy kid. When I was little people would tell my mom I had a built in smile. When I was starting kindergarten, I was really upset for awhile and it didn't go away. My mom was concerned and asked me what was wrong. I told my mom that she didn't have to worry, that I had talked to Oreo [our dog at the time] and she said she would take care of her [my mom] while I was off at school.

There's mine, now what are your interesting facts?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Modesty is hard. And other truths.

Meet some of my best friends:
Trevor, Alyssa, and Clint
 Modesty is hard when you find [at goodwill] the most awesome sleeveless vintage polka dot dress. I Love the cut of it! But, I know what's more important. So I added a button up white dress shirt over it with a belt. Throw in some pearls and a polka dot flower clip! Hey, it's not so bad. Plus it masked my massive hips. :) p.s., I'm not a giant. Alyssa is just small. Well, I am tall, but not giant status yet.
 Close your eyes momma Solomon! Confession: this is the first kissing picture I've ever taken. Alyssa insisted on it. And Alyssa get's her way :)
He's so cute, no?

Wanna know what I learned yesterday:
If you order a cheeseburger with pickles only, they think that means without cheese too. wait, what? I know what you're thinking. BUT, I've been craving red meat for like 2 weeks now, so I figured I could be slightly anemic. I went to McDonald's on my way to work to get one of the kid's cheeseburgers. You know, the ones where the bun is like the size of a hockey puck and then the patty is about the diameter of a golf ball? Guess that's 280 calories for you!

Today I was having a grumpy day. It was freakin cold. I work right in front of a huge door that is always opening and shutting and the cold shocks me every time. I'm tired. Every driver on the road was out to get me. I think I'm getting sick. My Biochem lab today was just not working out. I have a huge test tomorrow that I'm not nearly ready for. I'm worried about my uncle. My head is pounding. I'm hungry. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Lots of other various stresses.

Tired of my complaining yet? me too. So I started to think about what I needed to make me happier. Sleep? food? chocolate? need to create something? free time? music? Shopping? need to relax? Then it hit me. It's not my life that needs adjusting in order to make me happy, it's my attitude. Attitude check for one, please?

p.s. have any of you gotten mood swings while on birth control? I just started taking it like a week ago and I feel like a mad woman! Commence friendly advice now. :)