Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sickies and Bows

Ainsley has her first real cold. 
She's gotten little ones here and there that last for a few days but we are going on almost a week over her!
Poor girl has been so miserable. Her fever got up to 104. 
She is still ridiculously cute though :) 

I'm actually kind of loving getting a few snuggles from my busy baby. 

Did you see that I re-booted my etsy shop?
Here it is: Alexisinlove

I added a coupon code for 20% off for all of you who like to do your Christmas shopping early (me!) or who just need some cuteness in their lives. The code is Fall20

Also, we are really excited for Halloween! Bet you can't guess Ainsley's costume! 


K&R said...

awww so sad, but i'm glad she's feeling better.
i'm just getting over a cold myself, not cool.
and can't wait to see her costume!
also um lets plan a time to get together, maybe i could take some photos of you and your cute little babe.


Eryka said...

poor girl. hope she gets better soon!

Emma Frances said...

Eep! I can't wait to see Ainsley's costume! Halloween is so fun! I LOVE the extra cuddles with a sick baby too. It's so sad but so nice to have them cuddle!