In case you haven't been around, we moved to a little town outside of San Jose, California. It was really sudden. We made the decision we were moving sometime around August 1st, then we were out of town until the 6th, then we moved on the TWENTY-THIRD.
It's been insane.
Almost as insane as my baby is cute.
Mostly, I was really excited about moving. I have been in such a rut, I wlecomed the chance to start over. I thought the move would be a fun adventure. I thought it would feel exciting.
It has been exciting. And fun. But it's also been pretty lonely.
I didn't really expect that.
To be honest, I think I was under the misconception that moving would solve all my problems and somehow all the things I wanted to change about my life would be changed in an instant. I don't know why I thought that. Maybe a coping mechanism?
Somehow I'd magically lose the 18 extra pounds I've been killing myself to GETTHEHECKOFFOFME since Ainsley was born.
Suddenly I'd be the perfect homemaker, making beautiful meals from scratch and have a perfectly organized pantry. Maybe my movies would even be alphabetized. You know, just the important things in life.
Ainsley would start sleeping.
My PPD would vanish.
I'd make tons of life-long friends that I instantly felt connected to.
I would all of a sudden like working out. (HA. What was I thinking...)
I would have lots of energy.
I would be the perfectly put together mom complete with make-up and combed hair (that rarely happens...especially together).
Sleep would come easily and the bags under my eyes would disappear.
My attention span would last longer than the time it takes to say "C is for Cookie" three times fast.
I would finally get around to all the stuff I wanted to do. (I know. Just a few posts ago I wrote about how you don't have to do it all now. Turns out I'm not perfect at taking my own advice. Go figure.)
(our neighborhood. Isn't it beautiful?)
Well....none of those things have happened. I'm working towards them, but the move wasn't a magical fix. Sometimes life is hard. My easy button is broken, goshdanggit.
But, there have been a lot of great things about the move. My husband is happy and loves his job. I know that I have enough money to pay for groceries. We have a very old, but perfect for our needs home. The weather is amazing here. Most people are nice, who cares if they're all over the age of 75? (no really). The move has strengthened our marriage. There are so many fun things to do here. Have I mentioned that it's beautiful?
Basically, if we had to move, this is about as good as it can get.
Someone gave me some really good advice recently. He told me to envision what you want your life to be, and then make it happen. It's not happening all at once, but I'm working towards my goals. I've really tried to be proactive about meeting people. I've been going to events in the area. I've tried to talk to new people (Totally out of my comfort zone). I'm really trying to be organized and change out of sweat pants every once in awhile. (points for me!)
I don't know why I'm writing this. Maybe just to say moving is hard? Still, I'm really grateful for the opportunity. Mostly, I'm grateful to have my two best friends by my side no matter what. Man, I love those people. I feel so blessed.
Moving is definitely hard. I literally almost wrote this exact post today, but then I thought that I have too much to be thankful for even if I am lonely and upset about our move right now.
Your new view is gorgeous! And if you find that magical thing that makes you suddenly start LOVE working out, be sure to blog it cuz.... I could seriously use it :) The only exercise that I actually look forward to is yoga classes at an actual studio. Other than that it just doesn't really happen ha..
Um, yes. Making friends after moving has taken me forever! Especially since we moved up here and lived in one place and then moved to another (and another ward!) six months later. Plus I am just not great at putting myself out there, either, so it's been special. But at least we both live in beautiful places :) And it's great that our husbands enjoy their jobs. steps :)
You're so right, moving is tough! I've been hit by a wave of homesickness the last week or so. I get lonely and miss having any family around with me. The singles ward scene probably makes it easier to make friends quickly, but I still feel like the new kid sometimes! So I'm envious that you got to take your family with you, but being single does make it easier to meet OTHER people. WHY CAN'T WE BOTH HAVE IT ALL. Still, you're right, norcal....whoa. It's a gorgeous place.
Yes, you're right -- your neighborhood is beautiful! I hope you can make some new friends fast. It's hard when your neighborhood is elderly. But I'm happy to hear you're making friends with the old-timers, too!
Girl, i feel ya.
We just moved to the East Bay and moved into our new apartment last weekend.
I thought once we moved I would easily find a job, make a million friends and love working out.
well none of that has happened.
but i've decided to start small.
working on being productive as i can.
making dinner every night.
the small things and in the mean time slowly applying to jobs and heck maybe make some friends.
You're writing it cause it's your blog and you get to express whatever you're thinking- good, bad, exciting, lonely- whatever you want :)
I think you're doing great, and if you feel excited and alone simultaneously, that's totally cool!
BTW, you'll make those friends fast! You were one of the sweetest, most outgoing peeps in the single's ward and it meant the world to me how you reached out and were always nice to me when I barely knew you! You have a talent, and those friends will com fast!
So happy that the move went well and life is going great :)!!!
Oh. My. Goodness. I totally always feel the same way about moving. Race and I have lived in SIX different places now and even just switching apartments always convinces me that I will all the sudden have my whole life put together as soon as we move. It's never the case but I still think it every time. Haha. We'll be moving again in February-ish and I'm already starting to think that again. I hate moving but it is nice to clean out and meet new people and all that good stuff. Even though it is hard. We'll see how this next move goes! I just need to convince Race that we should move near you so we can be friends and live in such a gorgeous place! And I STILL haven't met Ainsley! She just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Oh. My. Goodness. I totally always feel the same way about moving. Race and I have lived in SIX different places now and even just switching apartments always convinces me that I will all the sudden have my whole life put together as soon as we move. It's never the case but I still think it every time. Haha. We'll be moving again in February-ish and I'm already starting to think that again. I hate moving but it is nice to clean out and meet new people and all that good stuff. Even though it is hard. We'll see how this next move goes! I just need to convince Race that we should move near you so we can be friends and live in such a gorgeous place! And I STILL haven't met Ainsley! She just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Our move to Georgia wasn't sudden and yet over a year later I still feel like that. I love the advice someone gave you though!
I'm looking at the picture of your neighborhood thinking, Arizona just doesn't make neighborhoods like that! Green and trees! Good job trying to stay positive! :) I hope everything just gets better and better for you!
Its ironic how we always seem to want what we cant have... Ive always been envious of couples that have to move out of state for work or school. To me it all seemed so adventurous! But of course, Im in school, my husband works for a family company, we bought a house last year....we are stuck! haha but i guess i should be grateful:)
Im excited for you and your sweet lil family! Change is good:)
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