Monday, June 17, 2013

Motherhood Matters

Something I've struggled with since I've crossed the line into motherhood is feeling like what I'm doing matters. A big part of my day is pretty monotonous. 
Diapers. Dishes. Laundry. Cooking. Cleaning. Grocery shopping. Baths. More Laundry. More Dishes. 
Lather, rinse, repeat. 
A hundred times over. 
In a week. 
I struggle with the repetition. 
And the feeling that my work is never done. 

Trying to keep a house clean with a baby is a whole new ball game. 
Also, taking care of a 17 pound human is actually hard work. 
Go figure. 

The thing about having a baby is that they can't tell you how they feel. While I love being around Ainsley, sometimes I feel it doesn't make a difference to her who changes her diapers or plays with her. To keep the house clean, I could just as easily work full time and hire a house cleaning service (although I still would love to hire someone!). See, I'm easily replaced, right?

Ainsley came into our lives sooner than we were planning. If it was up to me, I would probably be working 50+ hours a week finishing my dietetic internship and accomplishing great things, by the world's standards.
I care about God's standards. 

Then I read this talk from Elder Scott, a general authority in my church
Regardless of religous affilition, it's inspiring. 

The fact that Ainsley came into our lives when she did gives me the impression that Heavenly Father thinks that being a mom to Ainsley right now is more important than anything else I could be doing with my life. That thought brings tears to my eyes. 

After reading this talk, I felt like my job is important. Heavenly Father approves of how I spend my days even if I feel like I accomplished nothing at the end of the day. What I do largely can make or break a peaceful environment for my family to preside in. While it's not necessarily important to have an immaculate home, it's important that I keep our home from being chaotic. It's important that Ainsley has her mom home to shower her with a million kisses. I absolutely think nothing less of working moms. I mean to say that I'm grateful for my opportunity to spend my days with my little Ainsley pot. 
It doesn't just matter for her, it matters for me. I believe that God gives you the experiences you need to be molded into what He wants you to become. I know that the struggles I've been going through are only to better me in the end and I will eventually be grateful for them. I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and knows what I need.

I guess my thought today is a simple one. 
Being a mother matters. 


-Danica- said...

Being a mom DOES matter :) little things turn into big things, even if they aren't big in the worlds eyes. Thanks for posting this- there were 2 paragraphs that practically yelled out at me.. and I really needed them.

Cami said...

I agree its a Hard adjustment, but when you think about whats really important you chose the right thing. Being a Mom is so important. have fun with the dishes and laundry this week!

Megan said...

i love this post and absolutely needed to hear it. Love your thoughts. Thank you for being so honest and for sharing your heart!

Whitney said...

Such a great, honest post. Was sent here from Megan's blog...and I think I might stay awhile! :) So glad to read many of the same feelings I have everyday.

Tara said...

Hi Alexis! I've been a silent follower for a while but just had to comment on this post because I LOVE how simply you stated the truth. I have an 8-month old baby girl, and although it's tough sometimes, being mothers is the most important work we can do :)

Sarah said...

hi! i just stumbled upon your blog and this is AMAZING. it seems to have come at a very perfect time for me right now as well. last night i was telling my husband im sorry im not working and sometimes i feel bad about it, but his reply was "who knows. maybe if you were working we wouldnt be pregnant and youd be too stressed out" it is so important to trust the Lord and i am so thankful for our miracle and this journey. so excited to continue along with your blog! PS. ainsley is my husbands favorite girl name! but, were having a boy ;) shes a beautiful babe!

Katie said...

"The fact that Ainsley came into our lives when she did gives me the impression that Heavenly Father thinks that being a mom to Ainsley right now is more important than anything else I could be doing with my life." I am LOVING that. So, so much. It reminds me of the blogger that Elder Anderson quoted in October 2011: “Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.” Such a good post, Alexis.

Courtney B said...

Aaaahhh... I love this! You hit it on the nail! Thank you for the perfect reminder of how great and IMPORTANT our calling as mother's are (or is? Whatever!)

Anonymous said...

That talk has carried me through some of my own days where I think, "WHAT am I doing?" Motherhood does matter and I am so grateful for women like you who champion it - in spite of its difficulties. Mamas like me need to hear it from other people. Thank you!