Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The time I posted pictures sooner than 6 months later

Yesterday Clint finished his last final of his undergraduate career. Yeah, I said last
Sigh...seems like only yesterday I was in his shoes. 
We joke that since I got to "carry" Ainsley at my graduation (38 weeks pregnant) Clint should get to carry her too. We're all kinds of funny. 

This semester has been tough, to say the least. I've had to cope with raising a newborn practically on my own and adjusting to this whole parent thing has been tough. Clint has had to balance finishing his last semester of school while balancing the whole "I'm a dad" thing. 
Basically, we're really excited it's over. 

Last night we went out to celebrate with our good friends, Josh and Marcy. 
We went out for Thai, obviously. 

 Green curry for me, rama pork for Clint, and some tasty Bmilk for Ainsley pot.
 If you haven't been to Mint Thai off Gilbert and Guadalupe, you need to. It's all kinds of legit.

I'm so proud of my husband for finishing school. He has worked so hard. And to be honest, I kind of feel more proud of myself for getting through this semester than my own last semester! I cannot stress enough that it's been hard. I'm looking forward to the next billion years with my husband not involving school. The next chapter of our life is a mystery. We don't know what job Clint will get, where we will be moving (cross your fingers he gets the rotational program in Barcelona!), if I will be working, when and if more babies will be coming. We don't know a lot, but I'm pretty excited for whatever the future has to hold with these two. 


luvdoctorlibbie said...

Congratulations! That's such a good feeling to be done. We're going to celebrate at India Oven this weekend!

Unknown said...

YOU DID IT!! And so did Clint! haha
All 3 of you survived!! Who would have known having her on the outside was going to be harder than having her on the inside?! But the good news is now school is out of the way for both of you and you can work at this parenthood thing as a team. The future is full of possibilities and so exciting for you guys! Can't wait to see how it unfolds. Congrats and Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

never heard of it, but it's right down the street from my house so i better plan a trip there pronto!

SaraC said...

Congratulations to both you and your husband! That sounds so hard, but I bet the summer will feel like a piece of cake ;)


Brooke said...

Cool spam post above haha. Seriously, you guys are the cutest! And congrats on Clint graduating... that must feel amazing for both of you to be done! You guys have had quite the eventful year, and in such a good way :)

katilda said...

Barcelona! I wish this for you so much!

Courtney B said...

A HUGE congratulations to you and Clint :)