Saturday, October 27, 2012

top ten

Top ten things I'm thankful for.

1) Heavenly Father must be blessing me with patience. Seriously, it's a wonder I haven't screamed from all the people telling me my stomach is too big. Right now the new thing is something like "There's no WAY you're making it to your due date. Look how big your stomach is."

2) Halloween is like, really really really soon. Which is just wondaful! You can scroll down for my post on how great Halloween is. Would you like a hint on my costume this year? No one got it with my hints last year. Riddle me this bloggers:
You know how everyone does pictures by signs like this to announce they're pregnant? It's something like that.

3) I just recently discovered the wonder of the Backstreet Boys Pandora station. My life is forever changed. Also, how in the flippin world did it take me so long to add that station?!

4) I am LOVING the weather right now. Driving to work today it was 69. Arizona is wonderful. I would say everyone should move here, but I'm not a fan of traffic.

5) Tomorrow I am THIRTY weeks. This is great, because 30 sounds so much further than 29, and heaven knows I'm ready for this bun to be out of the oven.

6) I went to my first blog meet up last night! It was so fun and much less awkward than I anticipated. I'm really grateful for blogging. It's been great for me! I seriously feel so close to some of my friends I've made through it!

7) EIGHT WEEKS TIL GRADUATION!!!!!!! I'm so so so so so so soooooo excited!

8) Today is my last day of work. It was a hard decision for me to make, but I know it was the right one. I'll miss the great people I've developed relationships here (I've been here 2.5 years), but I'm grateful to be making times for the more important things in life and hopefully not always run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

9) So grateful for my sweet little girl. She already brings so much joy into our lives. It's so crazy having to wait so long for her. I just discovered what it's like! It's like having the anticipation of Christmas Eve every day. I'm JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

10) Obviously I would be ungrateful if I didn't mention my rockstar husband. He is such a hard worker and so sweet to me. Now I believe in happy, wonderful, full-of-love marriages that last forever. I still feel just as lucky as I did on our wedding day. Plus, he's super hot. Check it out.

The end! What are you grateful for? If you do a post, leave me the URL so I can check it out (someday).
That's for being so great!!!


Katie said...

You're going to be...a construction worker? Haha I don't know. And 30 weeks sounds WAY further along than 29! Congrats! And don't listen to all those people! She will come when she is ready and I think you look adorable :)

Shay said...

Haha, love this and I am SO excited to see your costume! Can you believe you are 30 weeks? I sure cant. Probably because your bump is so small;-)