Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are you Irish?

I am not Irish. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about a group of people who think someone not wearing green is reason enough to hurt them. Even as a kid I didn't understand that logic. Today was just like any other St. Pattie's day. I forgot to wear green. I don't know that I have ever actually remembered. However, I do believe in celebrations. I plan on making a green cake for Clint before he comes over! I'm crossing my fingers he doesn't read this ahead of time.

Last week we took our engagement pictures! We should be seeing them this weekend! I'm so excited! Our photographer is a sweet old friend of mine named Andrea. Her business is now called Anlyn Photography. I "modeled" for her portfolio. Check out the talent:
(Note, some photos are not edited)

So great, right? I know you're excited to see our pictures now too. Stay tuned my friends.

Here is your warning. The remainder of this post is a little personal. At least, more so than glamour shots and people who believe in leprechauns and inflicting pain on others.

I was reading my friends blog: and I found a quote that made me think. Don't ask me which post, because I couldn't tell you. Over the last few days, I have read her complete story. It is nothing short of inspiring. Chekkit!

Anyway, the quote said something like "to achieve balance you must love yourself as much as you expect others to". Yeah, that's not right, but the same idea. It's from eat pray love, which I have not seen or read. Back to the point. I don't understand when people say you need to love yourself or have a relationship with yourself. I don't feel like I love myself. Don't confuse this with a lack confidence or me having pity parties on a regular basis. I am a fairly confident person, except for about two instances: (1) I am in a swimsuit (2) someone criticizes me. It's like they popped my confidence balloon. Anyway. I am confident in the way that I know I am a good person that has admirable traits. I don't think I'm gorgeous but I certainly wouldn't classify myself as ugly either. I know I treat other people well and that I am surrounded by people who love and respect me. I am confident in my goals. But as far as loving myself? I just don't know how. Is it really as crucial as they say? I really honestly just don't know how. How do you create a relationship with yourself? I know it must be important, because they talked about it in a general conference talk for my church. Does it mean I really am not confident? Or does it mean that I do love myself, I just can't recognize it? What does loving yourself entail? Wiser people, share your wisdom!

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