Monday, September 20, 2010

"You Have Nothing to Fear"

You have nothing to fear from the journey
though your way may be burdened with thorns.
For the Lord will be with you each step of the way
as you travel with faith through the storm.
And you've nothing to fear from your trials
though they seem far too heavy to bear.
take his hand and he'll lead you gently along
and you'll find peace and safety there.
you have nothing to fear from the journey
though your body is tired and worn.
For the lord will send angels to lift up your arms
and he'll carry the burden for you.
And you've nothing to fear from your suffering
nor the grief you've been called on to bear.
take his hand and he'll lead you gently along
and you'll find peace and safety there.
There is nothing to fear from the nights that are lonely.
There's nothing to fear from the cold.
There is nothing to fear from what might be tomorrow
for heaven is with you
and Angels watch over his fold.
You have nothing to fear from the journey
though it seems far too early to go.
Heavens angels will take you where tears are no more
and they'll lead you to glory untold.
And you've nothing to fear from your sorrows,
though you life has been burdened by care.
Take his hand and he'll lead you safely back home
and you'll rest from your labors there.

Reason #397 I love my religion so much: The amazing music! The above song was sang in one of our church meetings. Isn't it absolutely incredible! It's hard not to be fearful with all life throws at us, or has the potential to throw at us. Fear is the opposite of faith. The above promises are ours if we're faithfully diligent. I don't think I even understand how powerful that is. WE ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE!

We have nothing to fear...

The fine print: I couldn't find the song on youtube to include in here. However, you can get in on itunes for $.99 "You have nothing to fear" by Rob Gardner. Some of my lyrics may be off. I was trying to type is as quickly as possible while listening to it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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