Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm done.

I'm done. So totally completely 100% done. 
I honestly can't believe it. 

I can't wrap my head around-
no more homework
no more tests
no more nice teachers
no more frustrating teachers
no more paying tuition
no more making study friends
no more trekking across campus with a billion books
no more scantrons?! 
Basically, it doesn't feel real. 
I can't believe I'm done with college forever. 
(that is until I do my masters which will happen at some point)

Every once in awhile when I think about walking across that stage at graduation and getting my diploma, it sinks in just a little bit and I get teary eyed. Half because I'm so proud of myself and I can't believe I'm done, and half because I'm sad it's over. Aside from the stressful deadlines and tricky teachers, I've really enjoyed college. I really enjoy learning in general (and I don't plan to stop now). I really am so grateful for everything that made it possible for me to finish school. Obviously, all my blessings came from above. The fact that the Summer I graduated from high school I was able to work two jobs (often 12+ hour days) and save up enough to pay for my first semester's tuition and fees all on my own. I'm thankful for the amazing friends/study partners I've made that have made school so much more enjoyable and doable. I'm grateful for my mom who, during my first semester of college when I got a C in general chemistry, wouldn't let me give up and change my major to something "easier." At the time if you had told me I would get an A+ in organic chemistry, I would have told you you were insane. I'm grateful for a sweet husband who encouraged me to accomplish this huge goal. I'm grateful for the encouragement he gave me during all those late night crying fits when I thought for sure this was totally impossible. I'm so grateful that my body cooperated enough that I was able to finish my last semester pregnant. At graduation I will be 37 weeks and 5 days!  I'm grateful for the tutors and teachers who helped me when I needed it. I'm grateful that we have been blessed financially to be able to pay for school. 

I get to toot my own horn a little bit too right? Because I'm really grateful I never gave up on myself. I'm proud of myself for following through and accomplishing something I was sure was impossible at least a thousand times. 

Basically, accomplishing goals feels really really great. Especially when they're hard to do. 


Elisabeth Gee said...

I love that you got a C. :) I'm glad it happens to everyone and not just me! :) haha

Unknown said...

TOOT TOOT TOOOOTTT! That is me also tooting your horn, because you way more than EARNED it!
You are seriously a rockstar! and just thinking about what you've accomplished makes me think I should stick my head in the sand and hide all my laziness!
You're incredible! Now SOAK up these last few (hopefully only days) until you have a lot on your plate all over again! ;)
enjoy it. You deserve it.
I am so proud of you!

Emily Mae said...

I feel like we almost went along with you on your journey! Don't be afraid to toot your own horn girl!! You deserve it!

Unknown said...

Of course you can toot your own horn! Honestly, I am just shocked you got an A+ in ochem. Seriously, I've heard nightmares about that class. Congrats! College is no easy feat- it tests your academia as well as your emotions, strength and faith in our Heavenly Father. Now take a long, long, nap and get some sparkling cider, and celebrate! :)

karajean said...

SOOOOO happy for you!! :) Honestly, I can't believe it's only been a year since I graduated. Feels like a lifetime ago. It's funny how quickly things change.