Monday, April 8, 2013

Pregnancy thoughts after pregnancy

Remember that time I was pregnant for five years?
I realized early in my pregnancy that I was saying a lot of things I thought I'd never say. 
I started writing them in the notes on my phone. 

Pass the Tums please.
It has taken me getting really fat to realize I used to be skinny. 
I'm not gaining enough weight. (Early in m pregnancy, obviously)
Remember when I used to have a waist? That was nice...
It's weird to feel your belly resting on your legs
Remember when I used to have a belly button?
You might think the meaning of life has something to do with family or finding yourself. It doesn't. It's all about satisfying pizza cravings. 
Remember when my lunch would stay in my belly?
I'm so swollen even my flip flops don't fit.
Can you help me get dressed?

It's no secret that pregnancy was rough and it was not my favorite 9 months of my life. However, I have a bit of a different perspective on it since giving birth. I understand more now how people can say they love pregnancy. There were parts of pregnancy I loved. I loved the anticipation. I loved feeling my baby kick. I loved getting ultrasounds. I didn't love what it did to my body and how it made me feel, but I appreciate it much more after seeing the end result. I look at my little miracle baby every day and I'm so grateful I was given the opporunity to work with Heavenly Father to bring a life into this world. It was really hard. Can we just agree on that? But I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm already looking forward to having more babies. I had no idea how wonderful it would be to be a mother. The love you feel for your child is...I can't describe it. I would do anything for Ainsley. She has already taught me so much. She's taught me what pure innocence is. Pregnancy will probably never be my favorite experience, but there's no denying what a miracle it is. I love my baby. During my pregnancy I was thinking about writing calendar makers everywhere and declaring Mother's Day be a monthly affair. Now I'm confused why we don't have a Kid's Day. I'm sure she has blessed my life more than I will ever bless hers.

Love my gorgeous Ainsley baby. 


Tisha said...

LOL! Feeling my tummy on my legs was weird! My friends would laugh at me because I would sweat under my belly!

Tubal Ligation Reversal said...

Congratulation....Your baby is to cute..i love cute babies...

Unknown said...

I'm basically been spending my morning reading all your posts. :) I just have to say. My first pregnancy was the worst ever!! Sick all 9 months, ER trips, gallstones, you name it. But totally agree all the little things helped make it all okay. Those are the things I remember the most now. But I was scared for my life to have more kids, I just had to remind myself its worth it. :)

Unknown said...

I'm basically been spending my morning reading all your posts. :) I just have to say. My first pregnancy was the worst ever!! Sick all 9 months, ER trips, gallstones, you name it. But totally agree all the little things helped make it all okay. Those are the things I remember the most now. But I was scared for my life to have more kids, I just had to remind myself its worth it. :)