Hello again!
If you're reading this, I'm just settling into our place in Hawaii.
Probably still not missing you yet. Sorry ;)
Today's guest poster is one of my faves. She's a sweetheart!
Meet Megan:
Hi loves! My name is Megan and I blog over at Mackey Madness!

I am literally HONORED to be guest posting for Alexis today! Especially considering that she is gone for such a huge occasion...her wedding!! I decided to keep it in the wedding theme today and talk about what I believe are necessities for a perfectly imperfect wedding day! (No day is perfect, duh! That's the beauty of it!)
1) Makeup - must include chapstick!

Nobody wants to have funky, peeling lips...especially the bride! : )
2) Deodorant and perfume.

Does that really need an explanation? Let's hope not.
3) Family and friends by your side.

My best friends/sisters/bridesmaids on my wedding day.
Believe me, the bride is a distracted emotional mess that day. Friends and family are needed for squeals, freak out moments, support, love, laughs, and tears.
4) A great photographer.

You will want a photographer who gets great shots and makes you feel comfortable....without getting all in the way. The day goes by SO fast. Pictures will be a HUGE part of the memory as time goes by.
5) Snacks!

Do NOT forget/neglect to eat during the day. Seriously. Don't do it. We ate donuts for breakfast and pizza for lunch...and I wouldn't have it any other way. And yes, I still fit in my dress. : )
6) Your soulmate waiting at the end of the aisle.

That moment when you step onto the aisle is amazing. There are literally no words to describe it. It's magical, it's electrical, it's a feeling that I want to bottle up for life. Walking towards my soulmate was the happiest moment of my life.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop now! : ) Thanks so much for having me, Alexis! Congrats on your wedding! I wish y'all nothing but a lifetime of happiness! And I cannot wait to see the pictures! I'll be waiting. : )
Since I am getting married next April, I love reading all about wedding necessities! I need all the help that I can get.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Thanks so much for having me!! I hope that you are having a fabulous honeymoon!!
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